Journal of Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering

 ISO Abbreviation: 

               J. Num. Meth. Civ. Eng.


Start Publication:  2016 
Number of Volumes 8
Number of Issues 31
Number of Articles 218
Number of Contributors 485
Contributing Countries 5
Number of Submissions 486
Accepted Submissions 220
Rejection Rate 44
Acceptance Rate 45
Submission to Initial Assessment (Days) 10
Time to Accept (Days) 145
Number of Indexing Databases 8
Number of Reviewers 559

The journal of “Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering” is an international open-accessonlinepeer review journal publishing original papers of high quality related to the NUMERICAL METHODS in all areas of CIVIL ENGINEERING which was founded by K. N. Toosi University of Technology in 2016. This journal is principally interested in papers with innovative numerical procedure and their applications for solving real-world problems. A significant research activity involves reporting new numerical techniques, improving existing numerical methods, and investigating the efficiency and applicability of numerical approaches are particularly encouraged to be submitted with identical priority on all fields of civil engineering problems.
The Journal of Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, the official publication of the civil engineering faculty of K. N. Toosi University of Technology, welcomes researchers all over the world to submit their original papers. The journal editorial team is seeking various research papers, reviews, commentaries, and other article formats to provide a medium for the communication of information among the world’s numerical researchers. This journal is intended to be of interest and utility to the researchers and practitioners in the academic, governmental and industrial communities.

Call For Papers (Special Issue)

Recent Achievements in Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Concrete Dam, Challenges and Opportunities

Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2024 

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Bottom Intake Structure for Desalination Plants

Pages 1-9

mahmood Rahmani firozjaei; zahra hajebi; Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni; Hassan Akbari

Mechanical behavior of new lightweight concrete with fiber and ingredients

Pages 22-28

Tiam Shirzadi; Fakhredien Ahmadi Danesh Ashtiani

Publication Information


Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting

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